24/25 SBU Registration Page

Splash Ball: $400 - per quarter*
Age Group - 10u to 18u: $750 - per quarter*
Annual Administration Fee: $350**
*SBU runs in the quarter system and each billing cycle begins at the start of each quarter.
*Dues will be prorated if registration occurs mid quarter.
Q1 - Fall: September - November
Q2 - Winter: December - February
Q3 - Spring: March - May
Q4 - Summer: June - August
**Annual administration fee applies to everyone who registers for the first time in the current season, and is only billed once in the quarter that one signs up.
**After the one time annual administration payment is made following the initial registration, subsequent quarters will be billed without this fee.
Practice Time and Locations
Splashball practices twice a week.
Age group teams practice four times a week. Locations and times vary. Please access the schedule link below to see your team's schedule.
Link to Schedule: https://www.southbayunitedwaterpolo.org.app.crossbar.org/parent-resources/schedule/38873
Age Groups
Splash Ball
10 and Under - Co Ed
12 and Under - Boys/Girls
14 and Under - Boys/Girls
16 and Under - Boys/Girls
18 and Under - Boys/Girls
**Note - USA Water Polo determines an athlete's age group based on their age on August 1st of the year of competition. For example, if a player is 14 years old on August 1st, they are eligible to compete in the 14&U division. If they turn 15 on or before August 1st, they are no longer eligible for the 14&U division and can instead participate in the 16&U division
24/25 Age Group Cutoffs Listed Below

Free Trial
South Bay United Water Polo offers a free trial for anyone who wants to try out water polo for the first time, or is looking to join from a different team.
2 Week Free Trial - Age Group Teams - 10u to 18u
*Please note that your trial starts on the day you register, and ends 14 calendar days after that date.
1 Week Free Trial - Splashball
*Please note that your trial starts on the day you register, and ends 7 calendar days after that date.
If you do decide to register for the team after your trial has ended, we will begin your billing period from the date of your next attended practice.
It is a requirement to register with the team before participating in any practice or event.
*Free trial membership is subject to space limitations. We will notify you if you are put on a wait list for a specific age group trial should space become limited.
USA Water Polo Membership Requirement
It is required to have a USA Water Polo membership in order to participate in any SBU practices or events.
Free Trial Membership: USA Water Polo does offer a free trial membership for anyone who is trying water polo out for the first time.
Splash Ball: It is also required to have a USA Water Polo membership for anyone participating in splash ball, and a discounted rate is offered by USAWP.
Gold Membership: We require that all athletes participating in age group practices and events [10u to 18u] to have a gold level membership with USAWP. This has the highest level of coverage as well as grants access to participate in any and all USAWP sanctioned events, including National Junior Olympics.
Please click below to access the USA Water Polo web page: https://usawp.sport80.com/public/wizard/a/1168/home
Refund Policy - Transaction Fees - Credit Policy
Refund Policy - Transaction Fees - Credit Policy
Effective 09/01/2023, in order to plan our program efficiently, without overbooking and to cover operating expenses (salaries, water, equipment, etc.) no refunds will be processed. The SBU Board may choose to review individual situations at their discretion.
**Note that all electronic transactions incur a fee from Crossbar**
**Credit Card transaction fees are 4% + .99 cents**
**ACH transaction fees are 2% + .99 cents**
If requested one-month (30 days) in advance of the start of the quarter (i.e. billing cycle), payments will be canceled.
If requested less than one-month (30 days) prior to the 1st day of the billing cycle, a payment credit will be issued with a penalty equal to the amount of 1 month of dues plus processing and credit card fees.
If requested one-month (30 days) in advance of the first day of the next quarter after having paid for the season in full, the remaining balance can be applied to future sessions within a six month time frame. After six (6) months, if the payment credits have not been applied, they will be forfeited. No credits will be granted if requested after the start of the month.
A player can choose to donate the remainder of their balance upon early withdrawal from the season, in which case the family can request a donation letter for the IRS. SBU will write a letter for your tax preparer sharing that you are donating X dollars to have their credit balance.
We understand that family time is valuable. Over the Summer months, families often take long vacations. Payment credits will not be granted for not attending scheduled practices, going on vacation, etc.
If you choose to suspend your account for 30 days or more, a $175 administrative restart fee will be assessed.